Anthroposophy ( from the Greek anthropos “human” and sophia , “wisdom” ) is a spiritual science based on the teachings of Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925). He describes a human spiritual existence that could only be accomplished if one develops the inner self. This inner development is aimed at strengthening the sense-free thinking or consciousness. We have to broaden our conscience outside our tangible form of thinking. We most include the finer and more subtle levels of life and regard it as important as our thinking ability. Even though it is not so easily measured in scientific terms.
Though our material based thinking does provide many scientific proofs, we see more and more that the ideas of ancient philosophies being proved by science, only millenia later. Think of quantum physics. This science is seeing that what we once thought solid, is in fact not solid. That there is a hidden world that is linked or part that of our own.
The expressions of this spiritual science or approach are more often plastic in quality, the use of natural materials such as brick and wood is evident, often more artistic (as they include the emotional or intuitive) not as a motive but as a intrinsic or natural result of a more holistic approach. The use of the golden section and its “mysterious” qualities are also more evident.
The anthroposophic views are practiced in different areas of our society, such as free school pedagogy, eurythmy, speech formation, artistic therapies, anthroposophic medicine, biodynamic agriculture and Architecture. The term “Organic” architecture is often used in the anthroposophical circles. Though it is not restricted to it. The Goetheanum is the home of the School of Spiritual Science and the General Anthroposophical Society, it serves the Exchange on spiritual issues and training in artistic and scientific field.