• Is Organic Architecture a “style”?

There are no set style that define how OA should look like. For every project, a unique design is developed between the client and the architect.  The important aspects of creativity defines how the budget and location will determine the end result.

  • Why O.A.?

With Organic Architecture we want to create the conditions for a healthy mind,  a healthy body, a healthy home and a healthy environment. OA is not just to saves water or energy. Of course we aim to minimise energy and the use of chemical and / or harmful materials. But also, by taking into account the capacity of the earth and the legitimate needs of our present and future generations worldwide. And infuse it with love and beauty. The binding factor is the heart. Not only with the mind. And in this we find that OA can give or create more.

  • Is Organic Architecture more expensive?

Initially O. A. can be more expensive, because we work with better and sometimes more expensive materials and with more care. However, if you look closer, you’ll notice that it does not always have to be more expensive. We are more inclined to reuse what is still good. As we often see and feel the value of things. For example, in older houses the oak window frames does not necessarily be replace with a new aluminium frame. We could reuse the frame and perfectly place double glazing. The main gain is in the long term, as we use more durable materials that last longer and require less often aftercare. For instance, using solid wood instead of MDF.

  • Is the cost of an Organic  architect higher than others.?

No, the costs are the same, usually a percentage of the cost of the building. And because we look at every project uniquely we tailor fit our contracts.  You are always welcome to contact us for a free quotation and consultation, with no obligations.

  • What is a low energy building?

A low – energy house is a building that is significantly more energy efficient than the conventional house. Such buildings have about a 60 E-level and a maximum K value of 30 . Such performance is achieved by investing in a good, insulation, air tightness , compactness and energy efficient heating and a good orientation. The construction of a low- energy house is also very realistic . It can be constructed with conventional methods – such as traditional masonry – or built with timber .

More over, a small “cold bridge” or leak in the construction is not as severely punished as it is the case in a passive houses / buildings. Investing in energy efficiency requires additional budget of course. But several studies in the KU Leuven university has investigated the economic feasibility. It shows that investing in energy – saving pays off. As an Organic Architect I choose low – energy houses or buildings .

  • Bio -ecological or Organic and sustainability?

Substainability is synonymous with OA.  The materials we try to use are renewable and natural. For example straw , which we use as insulation in walls. It is completely biodegradable, but it is also cheap and easy to handle. Also, the timber frame, the backbone of a building, the supporting part of the building forms, can be reusable and easy adapted to new uses. Also bricks and other durable materials are used with the eye for future users. We work on a closed organic cycle, cradle to cradle principle, with the embedded respect for all things .

  • Is Organic Architecture always round, curved or vernacular?

We look to create a harmonious relationship between the intuitive, the flowing lines of nature, the emotional aspect and the clean straight lines that represent the more rational. Both aspects are necessary to stimulate the human being. Too much of the one, and we create an extreme. All straight lines and we find ourselves in a sterile mechanical world. Too much curves and we feel we are lost in Smurfland. A balanced of both is necessary.

  • Is Organic Architecture just a new trend?

The form of OA has always existed! Just look at the igloos, the stilt houses in the tropics, and, to our very own old buildings. They were all formerly built organic. But today we have new and higher standards and methods. In this OA meets the requirements. But we consciously choose for a substainable way of doing things that will not destroy our future possibilities. In this way we still keep with traditions. The tradition to look after our own planet. The true trend is the destructive way of creating things, because there is a limited amount of time in that this is possible.  OA is the only viable way and thus timeless.

  • Is Organic Architecture only for hippies?

Indeed, wool, hemp, curves and beautiful colours are be applied in OA and can be associated with hippies. Fortunately there are so many other things that tickle our fancy. This architectural form certainly offers an alternative to the current industrial architecture but is also stylish and contemporary and by no means restricted to one form of expression.

  • Is round shapes  not more costly or difficult than straight shapes?

Straight lines are often easier and cheaper to make because it is more suited to the mechanical methods. However, this is often over stated. A builder that makes day in day out squares, will becomes square minded. And this results a very restricted capability. In this mistakes are often more made. Thus unnecessarily increasing the cost. Also in the long run an interior that only clean , straight lines shows not harmonic and can even be for humans . Sickening It’s a question of balance between the masculine and the feminine , between yin and yang , the emotional and the rational.

  • Has O.A.  reason to exist in the modern industrial world ?

Life is connected with change. It is important to live in the NOW, to live in harmony with all that is changing. Architecture must always adapt to new insights and needs of our time. O.A. is synonymous with dreams and imagination. And our time, the technological advancement has meant change. But our life may not be completely dominated by machines. For what would life be without dreams and imagination?

  • Does Organic Architecture support the Passive House concept?

It is very important that a building is no burden to the environment. And it is today possible   independent system in which the earth is not violated . We are looking for energy-efficient systems that are self-sufficient as possible . In so far Organic Architecture follows this principle . But we must not forget that we as humans part of nature and remain actively aware must continue to deal with.

The dependence on the machine and the automatism of them makes man stand in his own mind and energy use . Passive houses are very driven machines. It requires a lot of energy to come to maintain. To those advanced machines And who can say where it ends ? That’s why I prefer a low – energy concept than a passive house concept.

  • Heeft O.A. iets te maken met onze organen?

Uiteraard want het menselijk lichaam is ook architectuur! Onze organen zijn evengoed ruimtes. Zo spreken we bijvoorbeeld over de vier hartkamers. Ik integreer dan ook Feng Shui principes (de studie van de invloed van de woonomgeving op de mens en zijn lichaam) in mijn ontwerpen. En niet te vergeten, gebruik ik ook mijn intuïtie!

  • Wat is Biomimetica?

Biomimicry (Engels) of Biomimetica (Nederlands) (van bios, betekent leven, en mimesis, betekent nabootsen, imiteren) is een nieuwe wetenschap die de natuur bestudeert en vandaar uit ontwerpen en bewerkingen nabootst om menselijke problemen op te lossen. De kern van het idee is dat de natuur uit noodzaak zeer verbeeldingsrijk is en reeds vele problemen oplost waar wij mee worstelen. Als organisch architect probeert Steven Dalving zijn kennis en onderzoek van de natuur toe te passen in zijn ontwerpen.

Has O.A. something to do with our bodies ?
Of course, because the human body is architecture! Our bodies are equally good areas. For example, we talk about the four heart chambers . I also integrate Feng Shui principles ( the study of the influence of the environment on man and his body ) in my designs . And do not forget , I also use my intuition !

What is Biomimetics ?
Biomimicry ( English) or Biomimetics ( Dutch ) (from bios, meaning life , and mimesis , meaning mimic , imitate ) is a new science that studies nature and hence of designs and operations mimics to solve human problems. On The core idea is that nature is of necessity very imaginative and already solves many problems we are struggling. If organic architect Steven Dalving trying to fit into his designs. Their knowledge and research of nature

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