Organic Architecture is an architecture with respect for people and their dreams, where man is part of nature, home with mother earth. An architecture in which we can dream as children and  stimulated to do so. An architecture that is natural, bio-ecological or organic and self-sufficient. An architecture that is there for everyone as an expression of the inner self. An architecture that supports the daily activities, thus practical but also beautiful. Meaning it is not only a rational product but also a “living” body that houses beings that are thinking, fealing and spiritual beings.

The material of such buildings can be made of stone, wood, clay, brick or straw, in short, natural materials. The form is generally a balance between rational (square – straight lines) and the intuitive (curved and round). Stimulating both mind and soul. The construction of a building can be carried out in timber frame constructions or more traditional methodes like brick houses. But at the same time modern because they are made  sensitively in its time.  Organic architecture strives for low-energy houses / buildings.

What makes organic architecture so special is that unique people create unique spaces that stimulate all aspects of life.

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