You will find a wide selection of completed projects, inspiration and information on organic architecture (FAQ), the art of solidified movement.
The agency was founded in Berchem, Antwerp in 2006 and operates from the perspective of organic architects such as Antoni Gaudi, Rudolf Steiner, Frank Lloyd Wright, Cesar Manrique, Hundertwasser …
Inspired by this world renowned artists is the agency seeking its own emphases and perspectives, approaches and materials that suit you and your environment. We design and remodel temporary buildings, private houses, farms, offices, schools, and spiritual centers. Our speciality is environmentally friendly bio-ecological construction or renovations built with natural materials such as straw, or hemp, wood etc.
Steven Dalving studied at the University Henry van de Velde Institute Architectural Science in Antwerp and worked for renowned agencies like Alberts & Huut in Amsterdam (The Netherlands) and the Organic Architect Marc Schepens in Kalmthout (Belgium).
If you have any questions, or might consider a building, do not hesitate to contact me for an introductory meeting.
Enjoy your visit,